Let your Yoga practice cheer you up and bring happiness to your heart with Trikonasana.
As winter looms and daylight reduces Autumn is a good time to revive your Yoga practice. Try including Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) in your daily routine.
This pose provides a deep stretch to your whole body. Stretching dynamically brings awareness to your whole body and mind. You can practice against a wall to fine tune your alignment or use a chair to rest your hand on to help you balance.
Alignment is key in this amazing posture. It opens wide your heart center allowing happiness to enter. It reduces your tension levels and cleanses your system by improving blood circulation.
Strengthens; Legs, Knees, Ankles, Buttocks, Stamina.
Stretches; Hips, Groin, Thoracic Spine, Waist, Chest, Lungs, Shoulders.
Stimulates; Abdominal muscles.
Preparatory Pose
Standing Side Bend (strengthens your oblique muscles at the sides of your waist/torso)
Pregnancy Modification
Shorter stance, Revolved Angle Pose
Blocks, Chair, Wall
High or Low Blood Pressure, Arthritic Hip, Pregnancy, Over Extended Knees, Neck & Shoulder issues
If you need instruction for this pose please email; peaceyoga@btinternet.com