Monday, 26 November 2012

Yoga & Meditation for PTSD

Research is discovering that
to calm the mind from trauma
you must reconnect with the body

"Unless you befriend your body you cannot become well" 
Professor of Psychiatry Bessel Van der Kalk

Yoga & Meditation for PTSD, Hakone, Japan 2012


According to studies in America Yoga is proving more effective than group therapy sessions for treating the symptoms of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Yoga offers the opportunity for victims of trauma to reconnect to their bodies and encourages relaxation. The skills learnt within a Yoga session can give you a portable toolkit to use in your daily life to help maintain calmness within helping to control sensations such as panic. Incredible findings have shown that regular practice can improve your Heart Rate Value this means you have a greater ability to calm yourself when faced with unsettling situations encouraging peace of mind.


There is a specific type of meditation for PTSD sufferers called iRest (Integrated Restoration). Studies of veterans in America using this technique have found positive results. Regular practice of meditation through Yoga Nidra (Yoga Sleep) and breathing techniques has proven successful in creating a welcomed sense of self care and inner peace for victims of trauma offering relief from anxiety.
