The breath is free and it's the key to reducing stress
Treat yourself to 5-10 minutes proper breathing every day
& reap the benefits!
It's not just about remembering to breathe, it's about breathing properly. Yoga breathing has been proven to positively effect your emotions calming your stressed out body and mind.
During times of stress our cortisol levels raise, we switch on to 'fight or flight' mode. Energy is directed away form our mind to our major muscles ready to 'fight or take flight', making problem solving very difficult creating even more stress. You may or indeed you may not know that Cortisol actually kills brain cells, but you will be pleased to know there is a simple treatment and what's more it's free! The way to lower stress reducing the levels of cortisol in your body is to BREATHE, to
really breathe. Set aside 5 - 10 minutes for yourself everyday and follow these simple instructions;
- Watch your breath with your minds eye as it enters and leaves your body
- Breathe deeply into the belly, expand the belly and breathe all the way up to the shoulders
- Breathe out letting the chest fall and then gently bring the belly back towards the spine
- Release the belly and repeat (breathe deeply into the belly, etc...
- Notice how much calmer you have become.
This breathing will bring clarity to your mind, lower your stress levels reduce the levels of Cortisol and increase the levels of Prolactin. Prolactin improves your ability to learn encouraging Beta brainwaves. Your alertness is improved bringing clarity to think.
This careful attention to breathing has also been scientifically proven to relieve anxiety, lower cholesterol, reduce symptoms of depression, improve your immune system and general well being. Practicing for 5-10 minutes a day and during times of stress can bring big changes for you and your ability to cope in stressful situations.
One point I would like to add is if you have been breathing badly for some time you can experience a feeling of being light headed as a result of taking control of your breath, DO NOT worry this is simply because you are receiving more oxygen than you are used to and the feeling will pass.
For further info watch this somewhat cheesy yet informative video;
Courtesy of Sudarshan Kriya Yoga