Saturday, 22 December 2012

The Gift of Sleep

image courtesy of

Wishing all Yogi's out there a wonderful Christmas

Enjoy this time for relaxation and rejuvenation & take this perfect opportunity to deeply relax in between all those yuletide commitments by making sure you get a fuel filled sleep. Follow this link;

This link takes you to my Facebook Peace Yoga Group where you can download a totally free sleep enhancing PDF booklet containing easy to follow information to help you achieve restorative sleep.

"You'll be amazed at the difference it makes to your nights sleep. I've tried it and you won't be disappointed, it really works!"

The attached booklet is brought to you courtesy of;

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and an enlightening 2013

Om Shanti

Yoga Teacher Level 3
Registered Exercise Professional Level 3



Wednesday, 12 December 2012


The breath is free and it's the key to reducing stress
Treat yourself to 5-10 minutes proper breathing every day
& reap the benefits!


 It's not just about remembering to breathe, it's about breathing properly. Yoga breathing has been proven to positively effect your emotions calming your stressed out body and mind.

During times of stress our cortisol levels raise, we switch on to 'fight or flight' mode. Energy is directed away form our mind to our major muscles ready to 'fight or take flight', making problem solving very difficult creating even more stress. You may or indeed you may not know that Cortisol actually kills brain cells, but you will be pleased to know there is a simple treatment and what's more it's free! The way to lower stress reducing the levels of cortisol in your body is to BREATHE, to really breathe. Set aside 5 - 10 minutes for yourself everyday and follow these simple instructions;
  • Sit or lie comfortably
  • Close your eyes
  • Keep the spine long
  • Focus on breathing
  • Watch your breath with your minds eye as it enters and leaves your body
  • Breathe deeply into the belly, expand the belly and breathe all the way up to the shoulders
  • Breathe out letting the chest fall and then gently bring the belly back towards the spine
  • Release the belly and repeat (breathe deeply into the belly, etc...
  • Notice how much calmer you have become.

    This breathing will bring clarity to your mind, lower your stress levels reduce the levels of Cortisol and increase the levels of Prolactin. Prolactin improves your ability to learn encouraging Beta brainwaves. Your alertness is improved bringing clarity to think.

    This careful attention to breathing has also been scientifically proven to relieve anxiety, lower cholesterol, reduce symptoms of depression, improve your immune system and general well being. Practicing for 5-10 minutes a day and during times of stress can bring big changes for you and your ability to cope in stressful situations.

    One point I would like to add is if you have been breathing badly for some time you can experience a feeling of being light headed as a result of taking control of your breath, DO NOT worry this is simply because you are receiving more oxygen than you are used to and the feeling will pass.

    For further info watch this somewhat cheesy yet informative video;

    Courtesy of Sudarshan Kriya Yoga

Monday, 26 November 2012

Yoga & Meditation for PTSD

Research is discovering that
to calm the mind from trauma
you must reconnect with the body

"Unless you befriend your body you cannot become well" 
Professor of Psychiatry Bessel Van der Kalk

Yoga & Meditation for PTSD, Hakone, Japan 2012


According to studies in America Yoga is proving more effective than group therapy sessions for treating the symptoms of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Yoga offers the opportunity for victims of trauma to reconnect to their bodies and encourages relaxation. The skills learnt within a Yoga session can give you a portable toolkit to use in your daily life to help maintain calmness within helping to control sensations such as panic. Incredible findings have shown that regular practice can improve your Heart Rate Value this means you have a greater ability to calm yourself when faced with unsettling situations encouraging peace of mind.


There is a specific type of meditation for PTSD sufferers called iRest (Integrated Restoration). Studies of veterans in America using this technique have found positive results. Regular practice of meditation through Yoga Nidra (Yoga Sleep) and breathing techniques has proven successful in creating a welcomed sense of self care and inner peace for victims of trauma offering relief from anxiety.


Thursday, 22 November 2012

Meditation on the approach to Life

Meditate on this thought it will make you smile inside;

"The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they make the best of everything" :)

3.32 minutes of wisdom...

Courtesy of 'Your Spiritual Success'

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Banish Beige Food!

You Are What You Eat All Year Round

Taste The Rainbow...

It's easy in the summer to get a good range of vitamins into your diet. As the nights come earlier and the temperature gets cooler you need to make more of an effort to eat a rainbow of colours on your plate ensuring you are getting a complete range of nutrients.

Top up on your vitamin D intake with plenty of fresh air getting outside even on a dull day for 20 minutes is really important for your health and well being as is eating plenty of eggs.

Be sure to boost your immune system and ward off those germs with plenty of onions and garlic too.

If you're in a rush it couldn't be simpler there's nothing better than a quick stir fry to tick all these boxes. Shitake mushrooms are full of protein too helping you stay fuller for longer and keeping your energy levels steady too. Enjoy!

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

50% of the population has suffered Trauma, Yoga has been proven to help recovery

"Have faith in Yoga because it is always there for you"

For those who are unaware I was fighting fit, tweaking my class plans and ready to start offering Aqua Yoga Classes & Sun Power Yoga Classes in Shropshire once again this autumn.

However recently I was the unfortunate victim of an RTC whilst cycling home requiring time in hospital and emergency surgery. I am on the road to recovery and have been campaigning for safer roads for cyclists through local and social media with positive results.

I do not as yet have a time span for recovery but rest assured I hope to keep improving and plan to be sharing the benefits of Yoga with you again in 2013.

I just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten you and would like to thank those who have been in touch regarding my welfare since the RTC, most kind and very appreciated I can assure you.


If you know someone who has suffered trauma in there lives or indeed have done so your self I can empathise with the lack of connection this creates to your own body. I encourage you to use Yoga as part of the healing process, bringing that lost connection back...

For more information please watch and share these 2 short clips;

Friday, 12 October 2012

Top Tips For A Healthy Winter


1.   Boost your Vitamin C, D & Zinc intake eating all the colours of the rainbow
2.   Don't forget to wash your hands regularly & thoroughly
3.   Keep hydrated with plenty of water and herbal teas
4.   Maintain regular Yoga practice paying special attention to warming up first
5.   Get outdoors. Even on a dull day it's important to spend at least 15 minutes outside
6.   Layer up so you are prepared for all the temperatures our climate can offer us
7.   Meditate at the same time each day to maintain inner awareness
8.   Go easy on the alcohol it takes the body 1 hr per unit to break down, it's packed with calories too!
9.   Treat yourself to an enriched moisturiser to protect your skin
10. Sleep well to rejuvenate & boost your immune system

Friday, 17 August 2012

The power of Yoga

It's all in the art of balance...Yoga 'helps stroke patients recover balance'

A recent article featured in the Telegraph, follow the link to read this inspiring research giving new hope to those who have suffered a stroke;
 Om Namaste

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Are you on Facebook?

 You can join my Facebook group here;

Peace Yoga Facebook Group

Spring has Sprung, time to De-stress with "Butterfly Pose" Om...

Hello to all Peace Yoga followers;

Do you find yourself reaching for the wine at the end of a stressful day at work? Well how about trying this for a change, it's been proven to help lower your cortisol levels and tone that tummy especially for women as cortisol collects around the abdomen right where we would rather it didn't. So instead of adding wine chemicals into the mix try Butterfly Pose instead, simply click on the link below;

Dr Sarah Gottfried - Butterfly Pose
(Video footage courtesy of Dr Sarah Gottfried on You Tube)

If you can't bend that far forward don't despair try using the seat of a chair first to rest your forehead on and gradually work yourself lower and lower. Remember the secret of Yoga is that with regular practice comes the reward of increased flexibility...enjoy!

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Yoga Keeps Joints Young

Iyengar Yoga is excellent for your joints & recommended for Arthritis along with other joint ailments such as Lupos etc. Regular impact free Yoga can help lubricate your joints and reduce pain by encouraging synovial fluid into all the little crevices of your joints - read on to find out more, courtesy of 'My Yoga Online'.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Inspirational Yoga

Beautiful Yoga in your Undies!

(video courtesy of Yoga by Equinox)

Check out this video on You Tube. The story behind it, is not some 'sexy yoga in your underwear ad' but a story of a young woman with an eating disorder who was healed by her devotion to her Yoga practice, she became body confident, fit is the new skinny!

I know this is very strong Yoga, but think of it as inspiration to take up a daily practice for yourself - there are many forms of Yoga and there really is something for everyone!

Om Shanti


Sarah-Charlotte Peace
Yoga Teacher Level 3
Registered Exercise Professional Level 3

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Registered Exercise Professionals Survey

I have just completed a survey for the Registered Exercise of Professionals regarding fitness, answers below;

1. Put in order your top three busiest months.
March, Feb, Sept
2. What is your quietest month?
July - lots of clients taking holidays including me...
3. Is there a particular time of year that you become more slack about your own fitness regime?
December, has less time in it!
4. What area of their body do clients most commonly ask you to focus on when creating a
Abs, back, knees, neck & shoulders, stress levels, concentration
5. Is this your full time job?
6. What was your main reason for becoming a personal trainer?
Share knowledge – encouraging overall wellbeing in others, play a part in shaping a nation?!
7. How many more clients did you receive last January compared to average?
n/a currently recovering form injury – however I have had just over 50 new inquiries for when I start again :0)