Monday, 1 June 2015

Om Yoga Show Manchester 2015 | Overview



So this year brought the promise of a bigger and better show with a new venue and a whole extra day full of things to explore, did it disappoint? Absolutely not…

The calmness greets you as you enter the venue along with a sense of inquisitive energy. Yoga newcomers, intermediates and advanced are all here nestled under one roof with one common interest, the beauty of the union that is yoga.

The really great thing about the Om Yoga Show is the diversity it has to offer; from scheduled workshops with a small fee to free open plan sessions where you can choose to take part or leisurely take it all in from the side lines.

Sadly we couldn’t attend all 3 days however the links below are offered as a flavour of the diversity on offer, so click away and enjoy.

SATURDAY 16.05.15
Open Session          
Sun Power Yoga with Anne-Marie Newland
Open Session          
Cam Yoga presents Yin Yoga with Rosalind Southward
Acro Yoga with Eugene Butcher & Pip Elysium
Open Session          
KYTA Kundalini Yoga to Open Your Heart
Uplift the Body & Prana with Yogi Ashokonanda
Open Session          
Chau Gong Meditation with Annette Ainsworth
Open Session
Santosha Studio presents Release Your Feet & Free Your Lower Back with Claire Murphy

SUNDAY 17.05.15
Shamanic Yoga with Leah Bracknell
Open Session         
Thai Yoga Massage with Katrin Heuser
Open Session         
Forrest Yoga with Rosalind Southward

We hope these posts give you a taste of the show & we really do recommend you go!

If you would like to experience the Om Yoga Show first hand you will have to wait until next year for Manchester (2016) or get yourself to London this October (2015) further details here;

Om Namaste
Peace Yoga | Wellness within

Om Yoga Show Manchester 2015 | Sun Power Yoga

Sun Power Yoga 

with Anne-Marie Newland

Anne-Marie Newland of Sun Power Yoga @ Om Yoga Show Manchester 2015

It is always a pleasure to witness Anne-Marie Newland, founder of the ever-growing Sun Power Yoga in action. This petite insightful woman has a strong and vibrant presence with which she guides the yogis diligently through a range of asana. You can guarantee attention to detail as she moves through the group softly adjusting those who need it, allowing them to gain more from the pose. You can see faces light up as the heat and energy builds throughout the session.

The Sun Power Yoga training school has a contemporary edge, which has evolved to suit our times yet remains authentic with its roots entwined in traditional Yoga values. A range of courses are run across the UK and into Europe ranging from 200hrs to Post Graduate and more, these courses are highly accredited and give teachers the qualifications that are recognised to teach worldwide. You can find a wealth of further information via the website.

Om Yoga Show Manchester 2015 | Yin Yoga

Cam Yoga presents Yin Yoga 

with Rosalind Southward


Rosalind Southward tuning in to teach Yin Yoga @ Om Yoga Show Manchester 2015

Rosalind is a graceful teacher, gentle and very human in approach. Her calming manner and carefully chosen dialect leads each yogi through the practice of Yin Yoga. She encourages you to focus on your bodies needs, step back from the edge of discomfort and hold each pose for 3 minutes. Whilst holding the pose she explains the importance of ‘noticing’ what is happening rather than ‘reacting’, be it an itchy foot, an uncomfortable emotion or the desire to come out of a pose (unless of course you are actually experiencing pain). Holding with awareness encourages acceptance of yourself and your bodies needs.

Yin Yoga could be mistakenly seen as a gentler form of Yoga, yet it is tougher in many ways as it guides you to pause, turn inward and acknowledge yourself, to notice your thoughts and emotions as you work deeper into the fascia of that wonderful 3d network of tissue holding us together. Yin works on releasing blockages within you improving your energy flow (chi) calming the central nervous system and grounding you in the present moment.

Om Yoga Show Manchester 2015 | Acro Yoga

Acro Yoga 

with Eugene Butcher & Pip Elysium


Acro Yoga Demo @ Om Yoga Show Manchester 2015
Eugene Butcher & Pip Elysium @ Om Yoga Show Manchester 2015

You will find acrobatics, Yoga and Thai massage all combined into this elegant art form where two people work in harmony to create a spirited almost playful yet fluid range of poses as one person forms the base and the other becomes the flyer.

Incredible trust and coordination is required to gain fluidity between poses, empowerment of achievement is the reward to those who have the courage to try… 


Om Yoga Show Manchester 2015 | KYAT Kundalini Yoga

KYAT Kundalini Yoga to Open Your Heart

Kundalini Yogi welcoming participants to the heart opening session @ Om Yoga Show Manchester 2015

Kundalini is all about energy flow; this session focuses on the energy of the heart chakra, (Anahata) which can be known as the pivot between the 3 lower and 3 higher chakras. The heart chakra is represented by a green 12 petal lotus with the balance of male and female energy at its centre; Shiva the male and Shakti the female.

Beginning with the mantra “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo” said 3 times in succession, (this mantra translates to mean “I bow to the subtle divine wisdom, I bow to the divine teacher within”), followed by a range of seated and standing Kriyas specifically for opening the heart. “Sat Nam” is another mantra used in this session it translates to “truth is my name”. Sat Nam is said to recognise yourself as truthful to see your connection to the divine, to see truth in your heart and to be truthful to it, to listen to it. This uplifting session closes with meditation accompanied by the subtle sounds of a Harmonian (an instrument similar to an accordion).

Further information on Kundalini Yoga can be found via this website…

Om Yoga Show Manchester 2015 | Yogi Ashokananda

Uplift the Body & Prana 

with Yogi Ashokananda 


Jumping Warriors working up a sweat with Yogi Ashokananda @ Om Yoga Show Manchester 2015

Entering this workshop you would not expect the larger than life personality that springs out of this gentle and petite individual who incidentally turns out to be a surprisingly powerful teacher. His unexpected yet delightful humour lifts each yogi as the poses build and each are put through their paces, his encouragement creates the confidence in participants to try more advanced poses and to see just how far they can really go beyond their fears or disbelief.

The journey starts with breathing and yogis are encouraged to engage the root lock at the perineum (Mula Bandha) as they inhale, effectively sealing in the prana from each new breath and releasing the lock on exhalation. Yogis are also instructed to curl the tip of their tongue up to touch the roof of their mouths; this encourages ujjayi breathing, activates the diaphragm and regulates the appetite it also prevents jaw tension building up during practise.

Yogis are encouraged to not let their muscles be lazy and poses are demonstrated with accuracy throughout the workshop, there are cleansing Kriyas and a series of asana that twist the body into new realms releasing both physical and emotional toxins held within. The Yogis work up a sweat as the class progresses and the energy in the room rises as they jump through a series of warriors alternating their leading and back leg with arms constantly raised.

The workshop ends without a svasana as Yogi Ashokananda expresses with a light hearted voice, “I don’t teach svasana because we all sleep at night anyway”… The Yogis are gifted with bursts of laughter though heightened by the comments of Ashokananda as he encourages everyone to really let themselves go, his laughing becomes hysterical in itself which makes everyone laugh even more. He stresses how important it is to laugh daily explaining how you don’t even have to find something funny to laugh at as your brain doesn’t actually know the difference it just knows you are laughing and produces the happy chemicals anyway, so treat yourself and make sure you laugh every day!

 "May your feet have the courage to walk where your heart beats" Yogi Ashokonanda

Example of Ashokananda practicing Kriya


Om Yoga Show Manchester 2015 | Chau Gong Meditation

Chau Gong Meditation
with Annette Ainsworth


Annette Ainsworth demonstrating the Chau Gong for meditation @ Om Yoga Show 2015

Attempting to experience this calming healing sound meditation with the vibrations of this impressive Chinese gong in an open plan space should have been seriously hampered by the obvious lack of doors, walls and lets not forget silence. However as everyone settled in to their Svasana or Lotus pose, bizarrely the open plan noise polluted situation added to the experience as all the background noises rippled through the space, lying there was like being in a live rendition of the Brian Eno Airports CD, meaning that the ambience was actually enhanced, sadly the gong was somewhat overshadowed but the overall effect was still surprisingly soothing.

There’s an example of a Chau Gong here;

Om Yoga Show Manchester 2015 | Release Your Feet & Lower Back

Release Your Feet & Free Your Lower Back with Claire Murphy

Props used in the open session @ Om Yoga Show Manchester 2015


In this workshop Claire Murphy of Santosha Studio talks participants through a range of movements working with a small spiky inflatable ball which is a specific prop that really does get into awkward areas encouraging your body to let go of tensions that have built up within it.

This session was spent working with the feet moving on to the gluteal muscles with focus on releasing the tensions upwards along the hamstrings and into the lower back. Alternating working with the ball and moving in and out of poses such as forward bends (Uttanasana) invited self-discovery, assessment and re-assessment of how the range of movement changes.

Om Yoga Show Manchester 2015 | Shamanic Yoga

Shamanic Yoga with Leah Bracknell

Leah Bracknell, Shamanic Yoga @ Om Yoga Show 2015
image courtesy of

It is hard to find a way of describing this incredible experience; I believe it needs to be felt. Upon entering the workshop Jez Hughes founder of ‘Second Sight Healing’ with his calm welcoming nature approaches everyone individually asking them to take a small amount of tobacco to give as an offering later in the workshop, intrigued everyone took some as they selected their spot and settled into a circular formation of mats. Leah gently approached the center of the circle welcoming everyone. She shared the journey that led her to this point and spoke of how fear often prevents progression. She described the elements of the medicine wheel located at the center of the circle making note of its likeness to the Chakras and emphasised its connection to healing.

Leah has a luminous personality and a beautiful voice with which she captivates and guides participants gracefully through a range of poses whilst inviting self-reflection and soothing. She guides everyone safely through a journey acknowledging all four directions of the compass welcoming their elemental qualities. Ripples of music are sprinkled through the practice; a Shamanic drum brings rhythm to promote healing along with Native American rattles symbolic of independence. All participants are encouraged to greet each breath as a welcome guest and reminded how it is said that each life is given a finite number of breaths, every single one should be treasured.

Towards the end of this emotional enlightening journey Leah encourages participants to join her in song and gratitude for mother earth, the volume rises then softens as everyone spirals together coiling into the center of the room. I very much doubt anyone left this room feeling the same as when they had entered, I strongly suspect they left feeling lighter yet grounded, benefiting from the skilled guidance of Leah. Prayers made along with the offerings were left in very safe hands to be released ceremonially later that day.

Shamanic Yoga guides you to where you need healing, where you feel broken, it helps to free those who have become stuck, to reignite the fire within bringing empowerment and guidance towards a truer self. There really could not be a better way to start your day or indeed the next part of your journey than with this incredible workshop.

Jez Hughes            

Om Yoga Show Manchester | Thai Yoga Massage

Thai Yoga Massage with Katrin Heuser

If you haven’t tried Thai Yoga Massage then quite honestly you should, there are only 3 requirements; you have someone to work with, you can put your trust in that person and that person can remain aware of your needs throughout.

Katrin talked participants through this effective massage technique as she and her partner demonstrated instructions with this session focusing on the lower back.

Katrin explains that the first touch from your partner (the giver) is incredibly important, it should be gentle, calming and all movements given are smooth and considered. To begin the person receiving the massage is lying on the mat and the person giving the massage gently touches the tops of the receiver’s feet with their hands, this offers calmness and reassurance. A flowing series of movements follow as participants are guided through positions to decrease tension and increase mobility in the lower back, receivers are eased into stretches and their inner thighs are then supported and pummelled with the givers feet, before being moved into more stretches.

Having witnessed the tension release as relaxation and smiles glowed across the receivers faces I would have to say be the one to give first if you get the chance or make sure you take it in turns because everyone looked too blissed out after their massage to do the giving…

An example of Thai Yoga Massage with Katrin Heuser

Om Yoga Show Manchester 2015 | Forrest Yoga

Forrest Yoga 

with Rosalind Southward

Rosalind Southward guides yogis through Forrest Yoga @ Om Yoga Show Manchester 2015


Forrest Yoga was created by the talented Ana Forrest as a way of healing herself physically and emotionally from trauma. It encourages you to turn inwards, to locate areas that are troubling you and to revitalize yourself from the inside. This session hosted techniques for the neck and shoulders with some deep abdominal work.

Specific guidance is given by Rosalind to ensure positioning is correct as participants are moved into defined poses to stretch out there neck muscles and release tension in their shoulders. Forrest Yoga emphasizes switching off the neck muscles and each time you lift the head during practice it is gently lifted and guided by your hand. This technique requires some thought as we rarely turn off our neck muscles though it soon proves effective as you can see all participants shoulders have lowered at least an inch compared to the start of the session and they leave walking taller too as if a weight has been lifted.

When it comes to abdominals, you work deeply going beyond the visible so called 6 pack to the rediscover the transverse abdominals (TVA). These often overlooked muscles give pelvic and spinal stability; supporting our trunk and our posture. 


Om Yoga Show Manchester 2015 | Hanna Somatics

Hanna Somatics 

with David Fleming & Amanda Franklin

David Fleming & Amanda Franklin explaining Hanna Somatics @ Om Yoga Show Manchester 2015

This session was guided by clinician David Fleming and assisted by Amanda Franklin. David talked participants through a sequence of movements to improve their range. Each series was monitored by noticing your range of movement before carrying out the instructed sequence and comparing this after carrying out a sequence. For example when practising a seated twist participants were asked to locate the furthest spot they could turn to and then to carry out a sequence of instructed moves, the seated twist was then repeated and the previous located spot was noted and surpassed by some distance ie each participant was able to twist further on their next twist. Moving through a specifically devised sequence of new movements breaks down old patterns and re-educates the neuromuscular system. You could witness the amazement on each participants face, questioning how such a difference was possible, to which David proclaimed with a smile ‘it’s magic’…

Hanna Somatics is a rapidly growing form of mind and body treatment that can help those suffering the effects of chronic pain or injury. It bares some similarities to the Feldenkrais technique. It can turn muscles off that have remained switched on for lengthy periods alleviating muscle fatigue. You can find out more via the website listed below.