Thursday 1 January 2015

Om Mani Padme Hum

Wishing you Kindness, Love, Light & Laughter for 2015

copyright s-c peace, peace yoga 01.01.15

At the start of this new year I invite you to focus on the qualities of Ahimsa; the practice of being non-violent in feelings, thoughts, words, or actions, being compassionate to yourselves and others.

For the last 2.5 years I have struggled to reconnect with myself following serious traumatic injuries to my physical and psychological self and with Ahimsa in mind I am setting myself an intention to consciously be kinder to myself, to find myself again. I aim to begin by rediscovering my roots, grounding myself by reflecting on past experiences which have inspired me and by letting go of things which no longer serve me. This self care, appreciation and kindness will grow to be shared and enjoyed by others.

I encourage you not to overload yourself by setting countless resolutions which can ultimately create frustration by adding pressure for you to constantly achieve at higher levels, often resulting in failure, this is not kindness it is unkindness which spreads through you and to those who share your life. Instead I hope you can set the intention to be kind.

We all have a seed of beauty within us and this like any other seed needs to be nurtured to help it grow. Practicing meditation particularly with a mantra can help you connect to this seed and self care will guide its development. When I began to train to teach Yoga the first Mantra I discovered which resonated with me was Om Mani Padme Hum so it seems fitting for me to reflect upon its meaning now. I was unaware of its interpretation at the time but it instantly felt right for me. Chanting this Tibetan Buddhist Mantra silently or aloud brings connection to self, oneness, unity. Dependence upon this Mantra guides you to connect with your true self to cleanse your mind body and words from within, letting go of impurities as you travel towards enlightenment. This personal growth is akin to the lotus flower which steadily grows from a seed in the murky depths underwater, gradually rising upwards emerging as a beautiful flower bathing in the sun.

So this year try being kind and set yourself intentions rather than resolutions to see where your journey takes you...

Om Namaste

Further information;
Om Mani Padme Hum
"The jewel is in the lotus or praise to the jewel in the lotus
by His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso The Fourteenth Dalai Lama of Tibet" 

Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra Audio;