Monday 19 May 2014

Om Yoga Show | Workshop 'Lessen the Hold of Anxiety with Yoga Therapist Lisa Kaley-Isley'

Day 1 Workshop 2 |  Anxiety

Lessen the Hold of Anxiety with Yoga Therapist Lisa Kaley-Isley, Life Tree Yoga

This workshop focused on reducing our SAD's;
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
Lisa talked about being mindful in your Yoga practice, tuning in and noticing what type of Yoga is right for you and when it is right for you. All to often we compete in this world, Lisa encourages a change of approach, being kind to yourself through your Yoga practice. This practice of mindful movement will help to be kind to your self, to practice gently and reduce your SADs.

We all know breath is important, it's what keeps us alive. But consider this, just how alive are we when we are suffering any one or all of the SADs? Short shallow breathing is present and this is feeding the SADs. Take a moment, take a few seconds right now and just breathe; breathe slowly and smoothly with both your inhalation and exhalation. Feel yourself begin to relax...

We all think we haven't got time to breathe properly but it takes seconds and It has been proven that consciously breathing boosts your immune system whilst improving your digestion and physiology.

Lisa guides us to find peace within whilst practicing mindful Yoga. Lisa also teaches us that whatever we are thinking has the same physiological effect within us as if we were actually doing whatever that thought is. The same chemical reaction takes place, for example if you think about one of your favourite things to eat your mouth starts watering, equally if you think you are in danger your body reacts as though it is - it tenses and tightens, your fight or flight reflex has been activated, your sympathetic nervous system has sprung into action. Women especially in this instance can tend to freeze, it's time to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and focus on breathing to introduce a sense of calm again.

Lisa takes you through a sequence of Asana's that move every part of your body reminding you to listen to your body and treat it gently in your practice. You are encouraged to begin the workshop with a breath count of 4 and aim to lengthen this count through this practice as you open your body to create more space and calm yourself to breathe fully. You will feel lighter and calmer leaving this session than when you entered.

The Bhagavad Gita was referred too and as with the meaning found in the book we were encouraged to 'stand up' for ourselves and for what is right in life. Navarati was also referenced.

Is an Indian festival celebrated over 9 nights and devoted to the Divine Mother. This festival celebrates the triumph of good over evil and encourages the removal of all negatives, to purify the mind and cultivate positivity from within. 

Lisa then reads a poem to the group which ends with these significant words of comfort;

"Never be afraid...I've always got your back"

We are then given a healing mantra which is said to grow in strength each time it is shared, so please pass this on...

From the Devi Mahatymyam 
Sarva Swarupe Sarveshe Sarva Shakti Samanvite
Bhaye Bhyastra Himo Devi Durge Devi 


O Divine Mother, everyone and everything is your manifestation. 
All forces, physical and spiritual are under your command. 
I pray thee: may everyone in the world be free from fear.

(Can be listened to at approx 02:18 > 02:39 here )

(Can also be listened to here at approx 02:00 > 02:10 here

Further Information;