Saturday 17 May 2014

'The Eight Limbs of Yoga' #3 of series YAMAS - Asteya

The Eight Limbs of Yoga' #3 of series Yamas - Asteya

'The Eight Limbs of Yoga' post #3


; The act of none stealing ... of self and of others. Eliminating desire and being content with all you have.

To practice Asteya you should not steal from others, this is not just in the obvious sense such as taking money or possessions it is also being mindful not to represent other peoples ideas as your own, to not steal peoples time, to not interrupt their happiness or even not to hoard belongings without use. Asteya is found in not taking more from this world than you need. At an energetic level it is about giving and receiving equally or indeed giving more to energize the world further.

"If you are established in none stealing all wealth will come to you"
Swami Sivananda

Kumbhakasana (Plank Pose) could be considered as connecting to some of the values of Asteya. It is an efficient posture for building body heat whilst it tones a range of muscles not least the abdominal ones. You do not hold the pose for a long time and you are efficient with your breathing as you hold you breath during the pose.

Practicing Asteya cultivates the following;

• Being generous without expecting return as your reward is in the giving
• Being content with what you have
• Being mindful of your footprint in life
• Being respectful of others time and equally not wasting your own

• Being conscious of your needs and clear in their description if requiring help from others
• Being efficient in whatever you do

Think about not taking up too much space or time with your life; 

• Physically where ever you go; Sitting position, your possessions
• From other peoples time; Being late, lengthy emails, talking too much
• Being emotionally demanding; Be aware of others needs
• In conversation; Interruption of other peoples time to speak
• Your accommodation; Living in a home that isn't too big for your needs
• Not creating too much waste; Reuse and up-cycle as a priority to recycling
 Think of all your relationships as being like the ever giving sun, this is Asteya;

'The Sun Never Says'
Even after all this time
The Sun never says to the Earth
"You owe me"
Look what happens with a love like that...
It lights the whole sky!

(Poem taken from The Gift by Hafiz the Great Sufi Master and translated by Daniel Ladinsky a Sufi Poet)

Om Namaste